Pastor Curtis Clark, Thomasville Road Baptist Church – Response to the Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage

Shamelessly Stolen…

Response to the Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage

Today’s Supreme Court ruling legalizing same sex marriage leads me to want to remind us that Biblical truth is the same yesterday, today and forever; to encourage us to stand for that truth which is needed more than ever; and to invite others to find that truth through Christ at our church.

To my church family, I want to remind you that our role is to be a light–preaching the timeless truths of God to all who will listen. We are to be salt and light in a world that will otherwise not have this truth. We are to stand firmly on this truth when it is easy and even more when it is difficult.

I believe our President aptly described in his remarks today the very reason our society has come to a place of legalizing same sex marriage. He said, “The project of each generation is to bridge the meaning of those founding words (all men are created equal) with the realities of changing times — a never-ending quest to ensure those words ring true for every single American.”

With all due respect, it is the God Who created us Who has the authority to determine the truth that is reality for EVERY generation. The truth of all sexual sins is timeless, and the Bible clearly teaches homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:18-32).

Our president is saying truth is relevant—that there is no truth that is timeless or eternal. Yes, new circumstances arrive for each generation to apply truth within that context, but truth itself does not change. Truth is not a popularity contest. Truth is set into the world by the One who made it and I believe our nation has exchanged the truth for a lie (Romans 1:25). As the church, we must teach truth dictated by the Bible, not popularity and politics.

To those that say today’s ruling is because “love won out”, I would say that it is NOT loving to say something is right when it is wrong. In fact, I would argue it is unloving to condone any behavior that will have negative consequences on the person.

To those that say this ruling is a “win for equality”, I would say it is Christ Who showed us what true equality is in how He treated women and people of all races and elevated all peoples to equal status by dying equally for all of us sinners (Romans 5:8).

So, while I want to be clear that I stand on the Bible’s teaching on all matters and it is the infallible truth in defining all sin, I want to also remind us the Bible is much more than a book defining sin. The laws of the Bible are given so we can know truth and that truth can set us free (John 8:32) from the bondage sin puts us in. The Bible is a book about how to live an abundant life of meaning and purpose (John 10:10) by serving our God and others.

To those in our community who support and/or live in the LGBT life, I want you to know our church is here for you–just as we are for all other sinners. We call all sin, sin, but our church is full of sinners who have discovered it is our sins that lead to a meaningless and defeated life, one full of turmoil and frustration for ourselves and those around us. We do not condone one another’s sins but, in love, seek to encourage and build one another up, as we all strive through the power and strength of Christ to overcome our own temptations.

To all in our community, if you find now, or in the future, a void and longing, an emptiness in your life that you can’t fill any other way…we invite you to our church. You are welcome to join us in worship, Bible study, and meet with one of our pastors. We do not claim to be perfect, but we are a church seeking to love one another, not by condoning each other’s sins, but by encouraging and building one another up to live life the way God instructs.

While the world tells us we find freedom following our own desires and ways, we have found the exact opposite to be true—we find it is in following God’s ways that we find delight and our hearts are set free! (Psalm 119:32, 35)

I am truly blessed…

Today is just another day, although 43 years ago I was born, and I normally post something about Father’s Day around this time, laying out how I miss my Dad and appreciating my family. This year I will be doing something a little different.

For those that don’t know, I lost my job, of just over twenty years, with the Department of Corrections the last week of this past April. While it was unexpected, I embraced the change and view it as a praise. Maggie and I prayed for the past few years for God to give me an opportunity to make a change in my vocation, however when presented with those opportunities I didn’t want to risk taking a pay cut to do it. I believe that God finally said that if I would trust Him to provide for my family after a pay cut he would see if I would trust him with no income. I realized that I DO trust him in every way, I really have not worried about bills being paid or food being on the table. I really haven’t known this level of peace ever before. It is hard to describe…

These past few weeks have caused me to do a LOT of self reflection and I have determined that I defined my life around my job and not around my faith in Christ. I valued my job over many other important things such as my faith and my family.

These past few weeks have shown me the love of so many people, from those that just sent a text saying, “WTH?? Are you ok?” to those that pressed a check into my hand and said, “I am doing what God told me to do” when I tried to refuse it. I cannot begin to express my appreciation for all of the concern everyone has shown for me and my family. It has been a humbling experience that makes me appreciate all that God has provided for me and continues to provide for me.

I am not sure where I am going to end up working but wherever that is I know that I will have the loving support of my family and friends. I ask for your prayers, not for a job, but that God will make His will clear to me, that I will know what He wants me to do and that it will bring Him glory. If God wants me to bag groceries at Publix, come by and I will make sure your eggs and bread are well taken care of.